There have been two recent editorials attacking Republicans for trying to dismantle and underfund public education. In my opinion this is so far from the truth it is shocking. The areas they are focusing on today are Education Rule ED 306, Minimum Standards for Public School Approval and Education Freedom Accounts.

I would suggest delivery of education has significantly changed since the rules were written in 2014. Rules implement laws that have been passed by the General Court (Legislature) and signed by the Governor. Rules in and of themselves do not change legislation, but rather provide details to carry out the intent of the laws. To me the rewrite of ED 306 makes sense as it covers minimum standards for public school approval, I could find nothing in the draft rules that dismantled public education. Yes, the changes provide some more latitude to the school boards to make decisions, that’s why we elect them. What is good for Conway may not be right for Berlin. The minimum standards of a high school education require a minimum of 43 course offerings, Kennett provides many more, 20 credits for graduation with specific course requirements and class size is determined by the school board. Many have argued it was a very bad idea to remove minimum class sizes from the rule. I have heard repeatedly over the years how ridiculous the class sizes are in the current ED 306. The Rule now allows the school board to determine class sizes. It is not a school funding issue. School funding is primarily based on average daily attendance.

As for Republicans underfunding education, I must disagree. The last budget which passed the House on a voice vote significantly increased spending for public education to well over $1 billion dollars in both FY 24 and FY 25. Money for education comes from: Business Profits Tax, Business Enterprise Tax, Rooms and Meals, Tobacco Tax, Real Estate Transfer Tax, Lottery, Tobacco Settlement, Utility Property Tax and the Statewide Education Property Tax.

In my opinion school choice (EFA’S) is really the democrat’s problem. The majority of the Democrats on the House Education Committee fight tooth and nail to dismantle school choice, whether it is home schooling or attendance at a private school. Their argument seems to be the Republicans are taking away money from public schools. The latest dollar figure I have seen for Education Freedom Accounts is $23 million dollars for FY 24. This is a miniscule amount when compared to the over $1 billion allocated for public schools.

If reelected to the Legislature in November 2024, I will ensure public school funding is not reduced! I keep my promises.

Name calling does not solve problems and we teach our children it is inappropriate. Elected officials should remember that. How problems get solved is through compromise, give and take, not name calling.