Once again, the Democrat party is falsely advertising there is an abortion ban in New Hampshire. This is so far from the truth it is laughable. They want you to believe there is no exception for rape or incest. The Dems running in Carroll County District 1 have swallowed this hook line and sinker.

Now for the truth about the current state law. Abortions are legal in New Hampshire during the first 6 months of pregnancy. This covers the need for rape or incest exceptions. Any women for any reason can have an abortion during their first 6 months of pregnancy. Additionally based on the health of the woman or a fatal fetal diagnosis the woman and her doctor can decide if abortion is the right choice during the third trimester. NH abortion law is very similar to the law in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York and Rhode Island.

Democrats generally want to permit abortions up to and including the birth of a child. Please don’t buy into the distortion the NH Democrats are pedaling about NH Abortion Law.

Additional information is available at abortionfactsnh.org