Please Vote on November 5, 2024

A great big thank you to all who came out to vote on Tuesday. I appreciate the confidence you have in my ability to be your next State Representative. As you know I am running once again for State Representative from District 1. Although I was not elected for the last...

November 5, 2024

November 5th is election day! You will be making decisions on Federal, State and County officials. At the very bottom of your ballot is an amendment to the New Hampshire Constitution to vote for. The amendment asks if the mandatory retirement age for Judges should be...

Democrats Lie About NH’s Abortion Laws

Once again, the Democrat party is falsely advertising there is an abortion ban in New Hampshire. This is so far from the truth it is laughable. They want you to believe there is no exception for rape or incest. The Dems running in Carroll County District 1 have...


There have been two recent editorials attacking Republicans for trying to dismantle and underfund public education. In my opinion this is so far from the truth it is shocking. The areas they are focusing on today are Education Rule ED 306, Minimum Standards for Public...

On Abortion

To the Editor: Over the last couple of weeks, I have probably read at least 8 editorials from Democrats running for Governor, NH Senate and NH House which all lead the reader to believe there is a ban on abortion in NH. This is far from the truth. To Quote Rep...